General Ecology Week One

Lets give this a try for writing our lesson plans (general description)...or at least of the first couple of weeks.
September 3-5.
Wednesday: Introductions of ourselves and student profile sheets/questionnaires.
Thursday: Gold Fish Lab (Day one of stations)
Friday: Goldfish Lab (Science Inquiry Lab) Graphing with classroom computers. Day 2 of stations.

(I will throw the standards for these lessons in tomorrow)

This could be a possible center???

Great Lakes Ecology

Hey Ted.
Check out this website. It has a ton of stuff. I'm billing an hour for finding it and going through some of the material. Click on the teachers corner and look through the programs. The big question is which ones do we want. They come from all different places so we may want to pick one supplier and call and order all of our stuff from them to keep it simple.

Basic Ecology

Just a post trial and just a note that basic ecology page is started.
I am going to try the atom feed and see how that works as well...